Tutorial on how to quickly set-up a React project with TypeScript and Bootstrap using Vite as build tool. We’ll use a simple demo app showing basic concepts of React like component destructuring and leveraging TypeScript benefits. Bonus: Deployment on AWS S3.
Connecting from a Docker container to a local MongoDB
A quick guide demonstrating how to connect to a local MongoDB instance from a Docker container.
Creating a time series sample CSV file with a bash script
Demonstrating a pragmatic way for generating time series sample data in CSV files with a bash script. Useful for Proof-of-Concepts, unit and performance testing and many other scenarios.
npm major package upgrades with backward patch support
A short checklist for publishing new major versions of your packages in the npm registry including support for patching older versions.
JavaScript Map: sorted for-loop with a custom iterator
An elegant way of how to do a sorted iteration over all entries of a JavaScript Map with a for-loop using a custom iterator implemented with Symbol.iterator
, function*
and yield*