cloud function – tsmx pragmatic IT Sun, 03 Sep 2023 20:41:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cloud function – tsmx 32 32 Secure configuration management for a GCP cloud function in Node.js Sat, 02 Sep 2023 19:53:08 +0000 Read more]]> Creating a convenient and production-grade configuration management for a GCP cloud function in Node.js using Secret Manager and the secure-config package. Includes a complete example project on GitHub.

Goals and general setup of the cloud function configuration

Like in a traditional app, it’s very common that you’ll need sensitive configuration data in a GCP cloud function, e.g. a DB username and password. This article shows a proper way of achieving this by leveraging managed cloud services and an additional Node.js package. The goals of this setup are…

  • Industry-standard AES encryption an non-exposing of any needed configuration value
  • Full JSON flexibility for the configuration like nested values, arrays etc.
  • Use of managed GCP services without loosing the capability to run on other platforms, e.g. local testing, on a traditional server, Docker, Kubernetes or else – no vendor lock-in

To achieve this, we’ll be using two components for the cloud functions configuration setup:

  1. The secure-config package to securely store the complete configuration as an encrypted JSON file. Uses strong AES encryption and standard JSON, works with nearly any runtime environment.
  2. GCP Secret Manager for secure storage and passing of the secure-config master key to the cloud function by using an environment variable.

If you wonder that using Secret Manager itself without any addiational package may be sufficient, take a look on the further thoughts.

Steps to implement the configuration management in your cloud function

Install secure-config and create the config files

Install the secure-config packge by running:

npm install @tsmx/secure-config --save

Having this, create a conf subfolder in your project with the configuration files. In the tutorial we’ll create two files, one for local testing purposes without any encrpytion and a production version which will be used in GCP with an encrypted secret.

The unencrypted config file will be conf/config.json with the following simple content:

  "secret": "secret-config-value"

To create the encrypted production version I recommend to use the secure-config-tool. If you don’t want to install this tool, refer to the secure-config documentation on how to generate encrypted entries without it.

For simplicity I assume you have secure-config-tool installed an we will use 00000000000000000000000000000000 (32x 0) as the encryption key. Having this, create the encrypted configuration for production of the cloud function as following…

cd conf/ 
export CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY=00000000000000000000000000000000
secure-config-tool create -nh -p "secret" ./config.json > ./config-production.json

This will create config-production.json in the conf directory with an encrypted secret, like so:

  "secret": "ENCRYPTED|a2890c023f1eb8c3d66ee816304e4c30|bd8051d2def1721588f469c348ab052269bd1f332809d6e6401abc3c5636299d

Note: By default, GCP will set NODE_ENV=production when you run a cloud function. That’s why the secure-config package will look for conf/config-production.json if you don’t specify something else. For all available options of the secure-config package, refer to the documentation.

To prevent unwanted exposure of sensitive data, use a .gcloudignore file in the root folder of your project to only upload the encrypted production configuration to GCP when deploying. The following lines will tell gcloud to ignore all files in the conf/ folder but the config-production.json.

# don't upload non-production configurations

Make sure to also check uploads to any public code repo in the same way using .gitignore or something similar.

Use the configuration in your code

Use the configuration values in your cloud function code. Here as an ES module in the main function ./index.js:

import secureConfig from '@tsmx/secure-config';
const config = secureConfig();

export const helloGCP = (req, res) => {
    info: 'Hello from GCP cloud functions!',
    secret: config.secret

Of course this also works with CommonJS using require. From a code perspective that’s all, next step is to set-up GCP for passing the configurations key to the function.

Store the configuration key in Secret Manager

In your GCP console search for “secret manager” and enable the API if not already done


After secret manager is enabled, click on “CREATE SECRET” on the top and create a new secret with name CONFIG_KEY and a secret value of 00000000000000000000000000000000. After creating the secret you can see it in the list and click on it to view the details.


Directly below the friendly name you can find the secret’s reference which in this case is projects/100374066341/secrets/CONFIG_KEY. This reference will be used later to securely pass the secret as an environment variable to the cloud function.

To verify the value of a secret, click on the three dots behind a version and go to “View secret value”:


Last step is to grant the service account used for function execution the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role so that the secret can be accessed. By default, GCP uses the following accounts to execute cloud functions depending on the generation:

  • Gen 1:
  • Gen 2:

For more details on the used IAM account refer to the function identity documentation. Depending on the generation you’ll deploy the function, select the appropriate account under IAM in the console and make sure it has the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role. Add it if necessary by clicking “Edit principal” and then “Add another role”.


That’s it for the secret manager part. The master key needed for decryption of the configuration is now securely stored and ready to use.

Deploy and run the cloud function

The cloud function is now ready to deploy. To do so, we use gcloud functions deploy.

gcloud functions deploy secure-config-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=nodejs18 \
--region=europe-west3 \
--source=. \
--entry-point=helloGCP \
--set-secrets=CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY=projects/100374066341/secrets/CONFIG_KEY:latest \
--trigger-http \

The option --set-secrets=CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY=projects/100374066341/secrets/CONFIG_KEY:latest tells GCP to supply the cloud function with an env var named CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY expected by secure-config with a value of the latest version of the secret projects/100374066341/secrets/CONFIG_KEY. Make sure to replace the secret’s reference with your specific value.

For a complete description of the options refer to the documentation of gcloud functions deploy.

On completion, gcloud will tell you the URL of the successfully deployed function.

updateTime: '2023-09-01T20:44:08.493437974Z'

Call this URL to verify the function is working.

{"info":"Hello from GCP cloud functions!","secret":"secure-config-value"}

You should also see the function with a green check mark in your GCP console.


Perfect! The cloud function is deployed and works using a secure configuration management.

Example project at GitHub

A complete example project is available on GitHub.

git clone

For easy deployment of the function, a deploy script is provided in package.json. Simply invoke this with npm run. Make sure gcloud is configured properly and you are in the right project.

npm run deploy

Further thoughts

If – and only if – your function is using very few simple configuration values, nesting, structuring, using arrays and managing multiple environments in the configuration are not of interest, I would suggest to stick with Secret Manager only and leave out the usage of the secure-config package.

Normally, at least some of that options are of interest in your project and the use of the package absolutely makes sense. For a full view of the features you’ll get out of that package refer to the documentation.

Happy coding 🙂

Useful links

Default Node.js process.env variables in GCP cloud functions and app engine Mon, 21 Aug 2023 20:37:41 +0000 Read more]]> Discovering the default process.env variables provided in cloud functions and app engine services on Google Cloud Platform covering Node.js 16, 18 and 20 as well as Gen1 and Gen2 functions. Including a simple project for retrieving the values.

For cloud functions or app engine services using Node.js runtimes GCP will provide a default set of environment variables accessible through process.env. In this article we will explore how this env vars look like for different versions of Node.js in these GCP services.

A very simple project for deploying the needed functions and app engine services to discover these env vars in your own GCP account is also provided.

Cloud functions environment variables

See below for the default process.env variables provided by GCP cloud functions with different Node.js runtimes. Click the link to call a provided function and retrieve the most current result.

  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  K_REVISION: "node20-gen2-get-env-00003-sip",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  PORT: "8080",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  HOME: "/root",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  K_SERVICE: "node20-gen2-get-env",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs20",
  SHLVL: "0",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  K_CONFIGURATION: "node20-gen2-get-env",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 20 Gen2 env vars for cloud functions

  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  K_REVISION: "3",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  PORT: "8080",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  HOME: "/root",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_go112: "410",
  K_SERVICE: "node20-get-env",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs20",
  SHLVL: "0",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_nodejs6: "410",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 20 env vars for cloud functions

  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  K_REVISION: "node18-gen2-get-env-00003-gic",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  PORT: "8080",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  HOME: "/root",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  K_SERVICE: "node18-gen2-get-env",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs18",
  SHLVL: "0",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  K_CONFIGURATION: "node18-gen2-get-env",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 18 Gen2 env vars for cloud functions

  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  K_REVISION: "3",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  PORT: "8080",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  HOME: "/root",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_go112: "410",
  K_SERVICE: "node18-get-env",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs18",
  SHLVL: "0",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_nodejs6: "410",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 18 env vars for cloud functions

  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  HOME: "/root",
  DEBIAN_FRONTEND: "noninteractive",
  PORT: "8080",
  K_REVISION: "node16-gen2-get-env-00003-rok",
  K_SERVICE: "node16-gen2-get-env",
  SHLVL: "1",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs16",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  K_CONFIGURATION: "node16-gen2-get-env",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 16 Gen2 env vars for cloud functions

  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_nodejs6: "410",
  GCF_BLOCK_RUNTIME_go112: "410",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=192",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  HOME: "/root",
  DEBIAN_FRONTEND: "noninteractive",
  PORT: "8080",
  K_REVISION: "3",
  K_SERVICE: "node16-get-env",
  SHLVL: "1",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs16",
  PATH: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  _: "/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/.bin/functions-framework"

Link: Get Node.js 16 env vars for cloud functions

App engine environment variables

See below for the default process.env variables provided by GCP app engine with different Node.js runtimes. Click the link to call a provided service and retrieve the most current result.

  S2A_ACCESS_TOKEN: "xxxx",
  GAE_MEMORY_MB: "384",
  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  GAE_INSTANCE: "00c61b117c1d6452581b06dcb5f23b1f1bc9a6c6aaebd47203070aa80a23270580b3af586743534bbd4012aa004c1437350e8cda1dc423b4be",
  HOME: "/root",
  PORT: "8081",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=300 ",
  GAE_SERVICE: "node20-get-env",
  PATH: "/srv/node_modules/.bin/:/workspace/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID: "454320553896815573",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  GAE_ENV: "standard",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  GAE_APPLICATION: "h~tsmx-gcp",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs20",
  GAE_VERSION: "20230819t221144",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22"

Link: Get Node.js 20 env vars for app engine

  S2A_ACCESS_TOKEN: "xxxx",
  GAE_MEMORY_MB: "384",
  LANGUAGE: "en_US:en",
  GAE_INSTANCE: "00c61b117cf7b9059c648a310d860a5f66a16dc1761710ac82df9a38392a9624cbdebd451f3978bb6cfc0640f5680590beee2d4afe3b214a879c",
  HOME: "/root",
  PORT: "8081",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=300 ",
  GAE_SERVICE: "node18-get-env",
  PATH: "/srv/node_modules/.bin/:/workspace/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  CNB_GROUP_ID: "33",
  CNB_USER_ID: "33",
  GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID: "454320535647197464",
  LANG: "en_US.UTF-8",
  GAE_ENV: "standard",
  GAE_APPLICATION: "h~tsmx-gcp",
  LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs18",
  GAE_VERSION: "20230819t221044",
  NODE_ENV: "production",
  CNB_STACK_ID: "google.gae.22"

Link: Get Node.js 18 env vars for app engine

  S2A_ACCESS_TOKEN: "xxxx",
  GAE_MEMORY_MB: "384",
  GAE_INSTANCE: "00c61b117c641ca0a31d2baf0347dc63fc3e870aee7b8707eccebd1f31d5b5372af69bd5178f08349fb3f3ee5ac460efeae28ed842e96fe861",
  HOME: "/root",
  PORT: "8081",
  NODE_OPTIONS: "--max-old-space-size=300 ",
  GAE_SERVICE: "node16-get-env",
  PATH: "/srv/node_modules/.bin/:/workspace/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID: "454320521333239759",
  DEBIAN_FRONTEND: "noninteractive",
  GAE_ENV: "standard",
  GAE_APPLICATION: "h~tsmx-gcp",
  PWD: "/workspace",
  GAE_RUNTIME: "nodejs16",
  GAE_VERSION: "20230819t220949",
  NODE_ENV: "production"

Link: Get Node.js 16 env vars for app engine

Project for discovering process.env in different services and runtimes

Alongside with this article the gcp-get-env project is provided on GitHub. This simple Node.js solution ships a function and an express application that can be deployed either as a GCP cloud function or an app engine service. Simply use the provided scripts in package.json to deploy as a function or service with different runtimes.

For that you’ll need an active GCP account and a configured and ready-to-go gcloud CLI on your machine. For details on the installation & configuration see here.

The following deployment scripts are provided in package.json. Simply call npm run [scriptname] to deploy.

scriptnamedeploysfunction/service name
deploy-node16-funccloud function with runtime Node.js 16 Gen 1node16-get-env
deploy-node16-func-gen2cloud function with runtime Node.js 16 Gen 2node16-gen2-get-env
deploy-node18-funccloud function with runtime Node.js 18 Gen 1node18-get-env
deploy-node18-func-gen2cloud function with runtime Node.js 18 Gen 2node18-gen2-get-env
deploy-node20-funccloud function with runtime Node.js 20 Gen 1node20-get-env
deploy-node20-func-gen2cloud function with runtime Node.js 20 Gen 2node20-gen2-get-env
deploy-node16-gaeapp engine service with runtime Node.js 16node16-get-env
deploy-node18-gaeapp engine service with runtime Node.js 18node18-get-env
deploy-node20-gaeapp engine service with runtime Node.js 20node20-get-env

Please note that the deployed functions and services would be publicly accessable and may cause charges to your GCP account.

Happy coding 🙂

Useful links
