In this article we’ll show how to set-up pgAdmin running with Docker to access a PostgreSQL database also running as a Docker container on the same host.
Using SQL Developer with PostgreSQL
Quick guide on how to connect to a PostgreSQL database using Oracle SQL Developer.
COPY data between localhost and PostgreSQL running with Docker
A short article showing how to easily use the COPY command to move data between localhost and a PostgreSQL database running with Docker.
Running PostgreSQL with Docker on Linux using local persistent data storage
A quick guide demonstrating how to get PostgreSQL up & running in minutes under Linux using Docker. We’ll create local persistent data storage using a Docker volume and connect from localhost with psql.
Running Oracle DB in Docker using the official container image – in minutes, free edition available
Want to run an Oracle database for developing or experimenting for free with minimal setup effort? This article shows how you can get up & running an Oracle DB using Docker in a few minutes.
Moving MongoDB from local installation to Docker – Fedora migration guide
Complete guide for moving an existing local MongoDB installation to newer versions of Fedora using Docker. Also useful if you are looking for getting a MongoDB container up & running on Linux with locally hosted data.
Connecting from a Docker container to a local MongoDB
A quick guide demonstrating how to connect to a local MongoDB instance from a Docker container.