A practical end-to-end guide for migrating an existing .eslintrc.json
config (ESLint v8 and before) to the new flat file config eslint.config.js
(ESLint v9 and above) in a CommonJS Node.js project including linting of unit-tests with Jest.
Convert an existing NodeJS project from CommonJS to ESM / ECMAScript
A quick guide for converting your existing NodeJS projects from CommonJS to ESM/ECMAScript. Including Express, Jest, Supertest and ESLint.
Full code-coverage with Jest
A guided tour on how to achieve the most complete code-coverage with Jest in your NodeJS projects and an some thoughts on why this is not necessarily the primary target.
Testing process.exit with Jest in NodeJS
Demonstrating a pragmatic way on how to test code paths resulting in process.exit
using the Jest test library.